Sublingual Immunotherapy Now FDA Approved For Grass And Ragweed Allergies

iStock_000040681136SmallSublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) uses rapidly dissolving oral tablets or oral solution placed under the tongue to treat allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma, offering convenience to the patient. It has been approved in Europe for many years, and is now available in the United States. The sublingual drops take the place of subcutaneous immunotherapy injections which have, until now, been the mainstay of allergy therapy.

SLIT for grass allergy is approved for patients aged 5-65, SLIT for ragweed allergy is approved for patients aged 18-65. Like conventional subcutaneous injections, SLIT prevents new sensitization and progression to asthma. It is a disease- modifying therapy. The optimal duration of SLIT is 3—4 years. Most patients will need retreatment in 7-8 years. Side effects of therapy are minimal and include itching of the mouth and throat and a sensation of swelling in the mouth.

Dr. Anne Hermann, a holistic internal medicine physician, offers comprehensive allergy treatments including sublingual immunotherapy to her patients. Offices are maintained in Tampa and Saint Petersburg Beach, Florida. Please contact the office at (813) 902-9559 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Is There A Connection Between Hay Fever And Food Allergies?

oral allergyOral allergy syndrome is caused by protein substances that are found in pollen and on some raw fruits and vegetables. The body’s immune system recognizes and reacts to these substances causing an allergy syndrome.   Even if the proteins are not identical, they can be similar enough to fool the immune system.  Up to a third of individuals with hay fever (seasonal allergies) will develop oral allergy syndrome.  Common cross-reactions include:  1.  birch pollen and apples, carrots, celery, almonds, kiwis, cherries, pears, peaches, hazelnuts and plums.  2.  ragweed pollen and cucumbers, melons, sunflower seeds, zucchini and bananas.  3.  grass pollen and melons, oranges, tomatoes, peaches and celery.

The main signs of oral allergy syndrome (a localized allergic reaction to food) include swelling of the throat, tongue, or lips and an itchy feeling in your throat or ears. Peeling of the offending fruit or vegetable may help, as the offending protein is often located in the food’s skin. Consuming the produce after it has been canned, baked or microwaved is also beneficial as cooking the foods helps to deactivate the offending protein substance.  However, the best treatment is simply avoiding the offending food.

Dr. Anne Hermann, a holistic internal medicine physician, offers seasonal allergy and food sensitivity testing to her patients.   There are multiple treatment options including acupuncture, dietary modifications and sublingual immunotherapy.  Please contact the office at (813) 902-9559 for more information or to schedule an appointment. Offices are maintained in Tampa and Saint Petersburg Beach, Florida.

Autumn Leaves Can Lead To Mold Allergies

Leaves left on the ground during the fall season decompose and allow mold spores to grow. These spores then become airborne and can trigger sinus problems, asthma symptoms and swelling around the eyes. Climate change and super storms are causing mold counts to climb higher and linger for longer. According to The New England Journal of Medicine, rising counts of the mold Alternaria have been directly linked to asthma exacerbations. Another type of mold called Aspergillis is also a common cause of allergic sinusitis and asthma symptoms. Allergy skin testing can determine if mold is a trigger for symptoms that patients may be experiencing. If the testing comes back positive, allergy immunotherapy utilizing sublingual drops may effectively eradicate negative symptoms.

Dr. Anne Herman offers allergy testing and sublingual immunotherapy to her patients. Offices are maintained in Tampa and Saint Petersburg Beach, Florida. Please contact the office at (813) 902-9559 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

This post was written by Anne Hermann. Follow Anne Hermann on Google, Facebook, Twitter & Linkedin.

How Can Sublingual Allergy Therapy Help Me?

Allergies occur when your body perceives irritants such as dust, molds, or pollens as threats and an immune response is launched.  Reactions can include sneezing, runny nose, skin rashes, and wheezing.  Prescription and over-the-counter medications can alleviate symptoms, but do not relieve the causes of the allergies.  Immunotherapy, which includes sublingual (under the tongue) allergy therapy, desensitizes your body to these irritants or antigens.   Very small doses are introduced to your body via serum.  As treatment progresses the concentration of antigens in the serum increases.  Thus  your immune system learns to ignore the antigen.

Sublingual therapy has been popular throughout the world for over 50 years, and is now becoming popular in the United States.  The serum that you place under your tongue is the same serum that is used in allergy shots.  Within a few months, you should realize a significant reduction in the need for allergy medications.  By the end of four years of sublingual therapy use, your environmental allergies should be in remission!

Dr. Anne Hermann, a holistic internal medicine physician, offers sublingual allergy therapy to her patients.  Locations are maintained in Tampa and Saint Petersburg Beach, Florida.  Please call the office at (813) 902-9559 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

This post was written by Anne Hermann. Follow Anne Hermann on Google, Facebook, Twitter & Linkedin.

Tips to Avoid Allergens Tampa St. Pete

Anne Hermann, MD

The offices of Dr. Anne Hermann offer allergy testing to determine your triggers and will advise you in the steps to take to avoid many common allergies.

Below you will find a helpful guide to ways to avoid some of the most common allergens.

Mold Spores  Mold spores can be found indoors as well as outside. The following tips address outside allergens:

  • If you live in an area of high humidity, use a humidifier
  • Avoid mowing grass, handling mulch or walking through uncut fields
  • Thoroughly dry clothes before storing

Pollens  Pollens are tiny, airborne substances that are released by trees, weeds, and grasses.  The following tips can help you avoid pollens year-round:

  • Stay indoors when pollen counts are high
  • Keep windows in your home and car closed and set your air conditioner to “re-circulate”
  • When exercising, breathe through your nose
  • Take allergy medicines, if necessary, 30 minutes before going outdoors

House Dust Mites  Dust mites are invisible creatures that feed on shed skin and live in house.

  • Keep house clean by vacuuming and cleaning curtains and bedding
  • Change furnace and air conditioner filters often
  • Use a dehumidifier to minimize humidity in your home

Animal Dander  Pet allergies are triggered by exposure to the dead flakes of skin (dander) a pet sheds.

  • Use a high-efficiency air filter and vacuum often
  • Keep the pet in a room with a hard surface or wipe able floor
  • Wash your pet weekly with warm water and soap

Anne Hermann, MD is double board certified in Internal Medicine and as a Physician Nutrition Specialist. To schedule your appointment, please call (813) 902-9559.

This post was written by Anne Hermann. Follow Anne Hermann on Google, Facebook, Twitter & Linkedin.

Allergy Skin Tests Tampa St. Pete

Anne Hermann, MD

We offer allergy skin tests that identify which substances are causing your allergy symptoms.

Below are answers to commonly asked questions by our patients when considering an allergy skin test:

What is the age requirement for allergy testing?

There is none.  The testing is safe for children and adults of any age, although the children will be tested for fewer antigens than adults. 

Do skin conditions or moles prevent testing?

The doctor will test only on areas that are not severely affected.  If there are no unaffected areas on the skin, a blood test will be given instead of a skin test.

Will I have a reaction to the test?

Mild itching will be resolved as soon as the skin test is wiped away with alcohol.  For the rare cases of more severe itching, hydrocortisone cream may be applied.

Can I be tested if I have a tattoo?

Yes.  The test will be applied to the areas of the skin that are ink-free.  If all areas of the skin are tattooed, a blood test will be given in place of the skin test.

What is the cost of allergy testing?

The cost is usually covered by most insurance plans.  If your insurance does cover the testing, you will only be responsible for your regular copay and deductible.

Anne Hermann, MD is double board certified in Internal Medicine and as a Physician Nutrition Specialist. To schedule your appointment, please call (813) 902-9559.

This post was written by Anne Hermann. Follow Anne Hermann on Google, Facebook, Twitter & Linkedin.

Allergy Drops vs. Pharmacotherapy in Tampa St Pete

Anne Hermann, MD

We offer allergy drops, or sublingual drops, which differ from pharmacotherapyAllergy drops are administered under the tongue whereas pharmacotherapy are allergy medications such as antihistamines, nasal steroid sprays or inhalers.


Many of my patients have asked me if there are other differences between allergy drops and pharmacotherapy and if there are advantages in using the allergy drops.

  1. Allergy drops have been found to be fully effective whereas only 50% of pharmacotherapy users were satisfied
  2. Treatment time for allergy drops is two minutes daily (in the comfort of your home) vs. 1-30 minutes per day for pharmacotherapy.
  3. Typical treatment time for allergy drops is four years, opposed to pharmacotherapy treatments, which are lifelong.
  4. Approximate monthly cost of allergy drops is $106 vs. $210 monthly for pharmacotherapy treatments.

The advantages to using allergy drops vs. pharmacotherapy treatments are significant.  For information on allergy testing, see our blog on allergy testing:

Anne Hermann, MD is double board certified in Internal Medicine and as a Physician Nutrition Specialist. To schedule your appointment, please call (813) 902-9559.

This post was written by Anne Hermann. Follow Anne Hermann on Google, Facebook, Twitter & Linkedin.