PRP Therapy

PRP Treatments in St. Petersburg

Procedure Time

40 to 60 minutes


1 to 3 days

Sessions Recommended

2 to 4 annually

Results Duration

6 to 12 months

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What It Treats

At Hermann Aesthetics, we understand that how you look can impact how you feel. When you get PRP treatments in St. Petersburg, you give your skin the boost it needs by stimulating collagen production and hair growth. That way, you can feel beautiful and confident every time you look in a mirror.

  • Hair loss
  • Wrinkles & fine lines
  • Pores
  • Poor skin texture

What to Expect

The PRP Therapy Process

Pre-Care Instructions

Preparing for PRP Therapy

PRP Pre-Care Instructions

Post-Care Instructions

After Your PRP Therapy

PRP Post-Care Instructions

Before & After

PRP Therapy Results

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Leverage Your Natural Healing

Take advantage of the natural healing abilities of your own body to create smoother, younger-looking skin.

Overall Health Benefits

PRP treatments speed up the regeneration of skin cells. This helps speed up the healing process for all kinds of injuries and minimizes pain.

Versatile Treatment

Part of what makes PRP such a popular treatment is that it can be used for all kinds of purposes. It can help reverse hair loss, assist with pain management, and more!

Lasting Results

PRP creates lasting skin improvements. Once you achieve your ideal results, you can expect to enjoy them for at least 6 to 12 months. Many patients have prolonged their results even farther with a well-established skincare routine.

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Your Best Self Is Calling

Find the best treatments for whatever ailments you have using our treatment planning tool.

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PRP Therapy FAQs

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Your Home For Exceptional Care

When you come to Hermann Aesthetics for your treatments, we work hard to make sure you feel at home.

Look Great to Feel Great

Elevate your confidence by enhancing your appearance naturally.

Schedule an appointment for a PRP treatment in St. Petersburg and discover your body’s natural healing processes.

Book My Appointment

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