What’s On Your Pre-Holiday Checklist?

The Holiday Season is nearly here, so you may already be planning the gifts you buy your coworkers or the dessert you bring to Thanksgiving dinner. What cosmetic goals are on your list? Use this pre-holiday checklist to make sure you are giving your skin and body the TLC it needs ahead of the chaotic holiday season.


Microdermabrasion is a treatment designed to exfoliate your skin and stimulate collagen production. Just one microdermabrasion treatment can reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and acne scarring while totally refreshing and rejuvenating your skin. You’ll enter the holiday season looking and feeling like a revitalized version of yourself. You can even add this into a monthly or bi-monthly routine to keep your skin fresh.

Hair Removal

Waxing and shaving don’t exactly give you joy each day, and they take time away from other valuable priorities, so why not opt for laser hair reduction instead? Laser hair reduction destroys each individual hair follicle to stop hair growth and, if the hair ever returns, ensures it is significantly thinner and easier to remove. In just 8 quick sessions, you can achieve silky smooth skin and liberate yourself from your time-consuming hair removal routine at home. By the time the New Year arrives, you’ll feel like a whole new you.

Use Kybella to Eliminate Your Double Chin

Kybella is a clinically proven product that has enjoyed incredible popularity over the last few years. Celebrities like Khloe Kardashian haven’t been shy about their use of Kybella to achieve a slim and contoured chin and neck area. Just one injection of Kybella permanently destroys existing fat and prevents cells from storing and accumulating additional fat in the future. If you schedule your Kybella now, you can flaunt your results to family and friends all holiday season.

Smooth Away Fine Lines and Wrinkles Around the Eyes

Belotero was specifically formulated for women who have started to notice stubborn lines above their lips, wrinkles developing around the mouth, and fine lines showing near the eyes. Its proprietary Cohesive Polydensified Matrix (CPM) produces an incredibly smooth and flexible gel that completely integrates into the skin tissue. This allows Belotero to work in a way few other fillers can by blending into the natural skin structure and subtly smoothing out facial lines and wrinkles.

To schedule these treatments and learn more about the other cosmetic treatments available to enhance your appearance and confidence, just call (813) 902-9559 to speak to a professional at Hermann Aesthetics & Wellness in Tampa or St. Petersburg, Florida.