Anti-Aging for Menopausal Women

During menopause, most women experience a variety of physical and emotional shifts. These changes are spurred by natural hormonal changes during the aging process.

Menopause may take a toll on how you look and feel.  There are options for women in Perimenopause, Menopause, or Post Menopause stages that can be a game changer for how you feel and look.  Hermann Aesthetics & Wellness offers non-surgical, anti-aging treatments at and an extensive selection of anti-aging services and can help rejuvenate your appearance for a more youthful look.  Continue reading “Anti-Aging for Menopausal Women”

The Importance of Continuing Hormone Replacement Therapy

The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted menopause care for many women as clinics have closed for all but the most necessary of procedures and appointments. However, if you are taking hormone replacement therapy, you should make an extra effort to ensure that you don’t run out of your HRT prescriptions. If you are having trouble getting HRT during this time, we can assist you through telemedicine. Here are some reasons you should not stop HRT abruptly.

HRT Benefits

There are many benefits of HRT that you will lose if you stop hormone therapy cold turkey. Hormone replacement therapy can decrease or eliminate menopause symptoms such as: Continue reading “The Importance of Continuing Hormone Replacement Therapy”

What You Need to Know About Perimenopause

A lot of women are confused about menopause. Unfortunately, our mothers and grandmothers lived in a time when talking about women’s health was taboo, even in private. Your mother may not have given you any information about the change or how it occurs. In fact, they may not have mentioned it at all.

Perimenopause is the period of your life in which your hormones begin to decrease. Your periods will become irregular and eventually will start tapering off. You can have any of the symptoms associated with menopause during perimenopause, although symptoms will worsen as you get closer to menopause. You have shifted from perimenopause to menopause when you have been without a period for a year. Continue reading “What You Need to Know About Perimenopause”

3 Reasons Pellet Therapy is the Best Choice in Hormone Therapy

Your hormones will fluctuate as you get older, and unfortunately there is no way to avoid it. Diminishing testosterone levels in particular can leave you feeling like a shell of your former self. You may not have the energy, drive, motivation, or endurance to enjoy the activities you once took for granted. While this is a frustrating and often embarrassing problem, your testosterone imbalance can actually be easily solved! Hormone therapy using tiny pellets under the skin is by far the most efficient method to restore your vitality.

Set It and Forget It

Hormone pellets are no bigger than a Tic Tac! One tiny pellet contains a customized dosage of testosterone. That pellet is inserted into an area around your upper hip. You barely feel anything during the insertion process since it is completed under local anesthesia. Once it is situated in your body, the pellet delivers a consistent and healthy level of hormones every day. You don’t need to remember to take a pill or apply a cream, because the invisible pellet does all the work! You just get to focus on living a better and more rewarding life. Continue reading “3 Reasons Pellet Therapy is the Best Choice in Hormone Therapy”

Tired? Irritable? It Could Be Your Hormones

In today’s world, feeling tired, stressed, and a bit cranky at the end of the day is hardly unusual. But what if that fatigued and irritable feeling starts to encroach upon your life? How long have you been feeling like a lesser version of yourself? Are you gaining weight, struggling to perform sexually, or having trouble with your memory? So many men experience these problems as they get older, but they aren’t sure why. They might attribute the changes in their physical and mental state to too much pressure at work or the unavoidable effects of growing older. However, the truth is that a hormone imbalance is likely the underlying factor.

Without the proper level of testosterone production, the male body cannot continue to function like it needs to. Testosterone is absolutely critical to a man’s well-being, yet testosterone production decreases with age. Since testosterone dictates everything from appearance and sex drive to muscle mass, the condition of low testosterone can be devastating if not properly addressed.

Do You Have Low Testosterone? Continue reading “Tired? Irritable? It Could Be Your Hormones”

Hormone Therapy: What Is It, and Do You Need It?

It’s no secret that the body’s natural hormonal balance shifts and changes with age. Aside from puberty, these hormonal changes are most noticeable as men become older and hit their fifties and sixties. A gradual decline in testosterone leads to uncomfortable and unwanted conditions like fatigue, decreased libido, and loss of muscle mass. If you believe your vitality has become burdened by low testosterone, you can use a simple blood or saliva test to confirm low testosterone and receive treatment using an intradermal hormone pellet therapy. While low testosterone can be tackled in a number of different ways, pellet therapy is easy, convenient, and effective.

Using Pellet Therapy, Your Treatment Doesn’t Have to Interrupt Your Daily Life

Unlike creams, patches, and injections that require regular attention to continue working, pellet therapy is a “set it and forget it” type of treatment. This grants you the ultimate convenience to balance your testosterone levels without even thinking about it each day. A pellet is smaller than a grain of rice and contains natural, bioidentical testosterone. It is inserted under the skin to consistently release small, physiologic doses of hormones that provide optimal results. Since each pellet is effective for five full months, you can enjoy the benefits of balanced hormones without any daily effort. Continue reading “Hormone Therapy: What Is It, and Do You Need It?”

Three Reasons Men Should Utilize Intradermal Hormone Pellet Therapy

It’s no secret that the body’s natural hormonal balance shifts and changes with age. Aside from puberty, these hormonal changes are most noticeable as men become older and hit their fifties and sixties. A gradual decline in testosterone leads to uncomfortable and unwanted conditions like fatigue, decreased libido, and loss of muscle mass. If you believe your vitality has become burdened by low testosterone, you can use a simple blood or saliva test to confirm low testosterone and receive treatment using an intradermal hormone pellet therapy. While low testosterone can be tackled in a number of different ways, pellet therapy is easy, convenient, and effective.

Using Pellet Therapy, Your Treatment Doesn’t Have to Interrupt Your Daily Life Continue reading “Three Reasons Men Should Utilize Intradermal Hormone Pellet Therapy”

Seed Rotation for Hormone Balance

Did you know there are foods that have the power to boost your body’s own production of hormones? It may be surprising, but there are certain seeds that contain high amounts of lignans, vitamins, and minerals that help support hormone production and release. These seeds are flax, pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower seeds. Integrating these seeds at different times during the cycle is known as seed rotation and helps to support optimal hormone balance.

To understand the potential power of seed rotation, it is important to be familiar with the basics of the female menstrual cycle. Continue reading “Seed Rotation for Hormone Balance”

4 Signs You Need Testosterone Therapy

man with doctorWe have all heard of the “Big T” testosterone, the hormone found mainly in men that is responsible for the sex drive. But fewer people realize that testosterone impacts far more than a healthy libido; it also plays a role in other vital bodily functions. More men than ever are becoming concerned about low testosterone levels. If you’re a candidate, testosterone therapy is a realistic option to regain your natural health.

Testosterone therapy occurs with injections, a patch, or gel. Treatment leads to regained energy, normalized libido, and much more. It’s a simple and painless solution that proves it’s not quite time to give into the aging process. Continue reading “4 Signs You Need Testosterone Therapy”

Is Hormone Pellet Therapy Right for YOU? If so, it is NOW available at Hermann Aesthetics & Wellness

There are many different ways to administer hormones including pills, creams, injections, patches and pellet therapy. We at Hermann Aesthetics & Wellness believe pellet therapy is a great and more stable way to deliver bioidentical hormones. The pellets are tiny, about the size of a grain of rice, and after numbing a small area with local anesthetic, are inserted them under the skin of the lateral buttocks. The procedure is a quick in-office treatment that is less painful than having your blood drawn. For women, we usually use pellets that have either estradiol and/or testosterone. Women are sometimes surprised that they might need testosterone in addition to estradiol but most perimenopausal and post-menopausal women indeed need both testosterone and estrogen to regulate their hormonal imbalance and symptoms. In men, we use testosterone only.

Many studies have shown that pellet therapy is a superior method of delivering bioidentical hormones. Pellets secrete a small amount of hormones throughout the day, providing a more consistent level of hormones in the body. No other delivery method is as effective or can maintain the consistent blood levels of estrogen and testosterone. This distinguishes pellet therapy from other forms of hormone delivery such as pills, patches, creams, gels, sublingual tablets and injections, that have peaks and valleys. This can cause unwanted side effects and/or be less effective in managing symptoms. The other added benefit of bioidentical hormone pellets is when the body requires more hormones due to mental or physical stress. They are hassle- free and convenient form of bioidentical hormone replacement that eliminates concerns and risks of forgetting to take your pills or applying your patch or rubbing on your cream.

Bioidentical hormone pellets are synthesized from natural source soybeans. The pellets are either pure estradiol or pure testosterone and dissolve completely over a 3-6 month period.

Pellet therapy is used to combat the symptoms of menopause and perimenopause such as mood swings, memory loss, foggy thinking, irregular periods, menstrual headaches, fatigue, psychological complaints, vaginal dryness, decreased sex drive, bloating, hot flashes, night sweats, problems sleeping, loss of muscle and bone mass and collagen loss and other skin related issues. Women using bioidentical pellet therapy feel more youthful and rejuvenated. For men, it can make them feel 10 to 20 years younger by improving their energy level, increasing sex drive, improving moods, elevating cognitive function and memory, help with sleep, aiding in increasing muscle mass as well as decreasing joint pain, minimize sweating and help decrease excessive abdominal fat.

The pellet insertion procedure itself takes less than 10 minutes. We numb the area with a local anesthetic, then a tiny incision is made and the pellets are inserted with a small insertion device. After the pellets are inserted, a small piece of tape is placed to close the incision; no stitches are needed.

Many women have tried various kinds of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and have simply been dissatisfied with the way they have felt. As men age, they can become more easily irritable, tired and less active because of decreased testosterone. Now, both men and women can do something about the negative effects of hormone imbalance by using bioidentical pellet therapy to make them feel younger and enjoy life to its fullest. Make an appointment with either Robin McClain ARNP-C or Dr. Hermann, at Hermann Aesthetics & Wellness in Tampa or St. Pete by calling: (813) 902-9559.