Have your lips become thinner over the course of the last several years? Have your lips gotten lines that keep your lipstick from looking smooth? These lip issues are very common, and they don’t have to be left alone to get worse. There are some very popular lip fillers that can be used to restore volume to the lips and reduce or eliminate lip lines.
Juvederm Ultra
Juvederm Ultra is a dermal filler that can be used for many uses, particularly diminishing or erasing laugh lines, marionette lines, and other lines around the mouth. Juvederm Ultra can also be injected into the lips to replace lost volume and smooth lip lines.
Juvederm Volbella
Juvederm is a line of dermal fillers that is the most trusted by doctors and aestheticians. Juvederm Volbella is a filler that has been specifically designed for restoring lost volume to the lips and removing lip lines. It is highly effective, and results last about one year.
Lip fillers, in general, are usually hyaluronic acid based. This is important because there is an enzyme that can be injected to dissolve the hyaluronic acid and reverse the effects of the filler if you are unsatisfied with your results. If you are ready to take the plunge with a lip filler, contact us today for more information or to schedule your appointment.