Banish Saggy Jowls with Kybella

Saggy Jowls TampaAre you struggling with saggy jowls? Jowls typically appear as a result of lost skin elasticity due to age. The skin naturally produces less collagen and elastin with age, leading to sagging and lost definition. That said, factors including genetics, sun exposure, weight changes, and making certain facial expressions can also contribute to the development of jowls and submental fullness or excess fat under the chin. 

When it comes to eliminating saggy jowls, there are multiple treatment options available to you. That said, Kybella is the gold standard for non-surgical jowl treatments. With this advanced dermal filler, we can tighten and smooth out the skin on the jaw and neck, leading to a slimmer, more defined jawline. 


What is Kybella?

Kybella is the first and only dermal filler that’s FDA-approved for moderate to severe fat on the neck and chin. It’s a clinically proven injection that dissolves excess fat in the chin and neck area. It also smooths and tightens the skin above the fat to enhance its appearance. 

How Does Kybella Work For Saggy Jowls?

The main ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid, which is found naturally in the body. Its purpose is to break down and absorb fat. When Kybella is directly injected into the jowls, the deoxycholic acid destroys the existing fat in the area while stopping the storage and accumulation of fat cells. 

Once fat cells are eradicated with Kybella, they won’t come back. This makes the results of Kybella permanent. Typically, patients receive 2 to 6 Kybella treatments within a 6-month period, with visible improvement to the jowls appearing after the first few injections. 

At Hermann Aesthetics & Wellness, we offer Kybella as a non-surgical treatment for saggy jowls and submental fullness. To schedule a consultation and learn if Kybella could work for you, contact us today