Defeating Sagging Jowls with Our New Accutite System

Profile of a beauty woman face skin and hand manicureThe new Accutite system is one of the most talked about skin tightening treatments currently available, and it is the perfect solution for sagging jowls. Accutite uses the original FaceTite system, but it is smaller for more targeted applications. This makes it the perfect solutions for jowls, which require careful contouring. Accutite makes it easy for trained and experienced aestheticians to administer with success. Here’s what you need to know and what you can expect during your treatment.

How does Accutite work?

Accutite uses radio frequency (fractionated RF) to tighten and sculpt precise target areas. The precision available from this proprietary equipment is perfect for carefully sculpting the jowls. The fractionated RF doesn’t just tighten the skin. It also melts fat cells. This allows for very precise and effective sculpting of the jaw.

Does it hurt?

Beauty hurts, right? Wrong! It doesn’t (and shouldn’t) have to. Accutite is a noninvasive procedure that is comfortable for most patients. There may be some mild discomfort; and depending on the extent of the treatment, you may have some soreness or tenderness in the treatment area.

Is there a recovery period?

Yes and no. There is a recovery period, in that you will need to give the face time to flush the dead fat cells and stimulate new collagen production to tighten up the skin. You may not see results from your treatment for up to six weeks following, although you should see some improvement within the first couple of weeks. 

On the other hand, you don’t have to take time off work or out of your busy schedule to get an Accutite treatment. It can be done in a short morning, lunchtime, or afternoon appointment to fit into your hectic lifestyle, and you can return to normal activities right away, although you might want to take extra care about your face if you are experiencing any soreness or tenderness, which can last up to one week after the procedure.

How do I know I’m a good candidate?

Most patients with sagging jowls can benefit from the Accutite treatment. However, that doesn’t mean that Accutite is the right treatment for you. Everyone is different, and the best way to make sure you have the right treatment for you is to start off with a consultation with one of our expert aestheticians to help you find the right beauty treatments to help you meet your goals. Contact us today to schedule.