Anne Hermann, MD
Acupuncture has been medically proven to effectively address back pain. The medical practice of Anne Hermann, MD in Tampa and St. Petersburg, FL is based on evidenced-based medicine that includes acupuncture treatments that relieve back pain. Back pain relief provided by acupuncture is not a placebo affect but is clearly proven to provide long term relief in medical studies.
In a recent report from the University of Maryland Center for Integrative Medicine, 33 studies including 2200 patients were analyzed. The studies were done based on the gold standard of medical evaluation which included testing done with true acupuncture and sham studies. In the sham studies, needles were placed incorrectly or not inserted. The results proved that acupuncture treated back pain in the both short term, 3 weeks after the last treatment, as well as back pain relief for long term periods.
Back pain is the most common condition treated by the medical acupuncture physicians in the offices of Anne Hermann, M.D., P.A. in Tampa, St. Petersburg and Clearwater, FL. A full medical evaluation is recommended in the first visit, followed by three acupuncture treatments. Following the third acupuncture treatment, your condition will be reevaluated for continued acupuncture treatments or other medical therapies.
To schedule your acupuncture appointment, please call 813-335-5649.
This post was written by Anne Hermann. Follow Anne Hermann on Google, Facebook, Twitter & Linkedin.