Has the skin on your arms, stomach, or neck become more like crepe paper than firm, tight skin? Are you frustrated by cellulite that just will not disappear, regardless of the time and energy you put into exercising and eating well? You are definitely not alone!
Signs of aging like loose and dimpled skin cannot be totally prevented, but thanks to treatments like RF skin tightening, they can be reversed! Here’s everything you’ve ever wanted to know about how to use RF skin tightening to enhance your own appearance and feel like the best version of yourself.
How Does Skin Tightening Work?
Accent is an innovative skin tightening technology that uses radiofrequency energy to create tighter, smoother skin. In a series of six treatments each set two weeks apart, the radiofrequency energy breaks up the collagen fibers under your skin and forces them to restructure in a firmer and tighter arrangement. Together, these changes lead to firmer skin, attractive contours, and a vibrant tone and texture.
What Is Treatment Like?
Unlike surgical procedures that are painful, time-consuming, and invasive, an Accent body firming treatment can be completed in just one hour. The only sensation that you will feel is a light and pleasant warming feeling as the heat energy penetrates your skin. No pain, no scabbing, and no discoloration. After firming the skin anywhere on your body or face, you can return to your daily routine immediately.
You can choose to firm your neck, abdomen, thighs, arms, or anywhere else that is in need of smooth and elastic skin. Just call (813) 902-9559 now to make your appointment at Hermann Aesthetics & Wellness in Tampa or St. Petersburg, Florida. You will be able to enjoy the summer season with confidence!