Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) doesn’t exactly pop up in conversation regularly, and most people have no idea that a MTHFR gene mutation could be the root of their health problems. If you are showing signs of the gene mutation, are pregnant, or are planning to become pregnant, the MTHFR test is a very valuable tool that can help you improve your health.
The Basics About Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase
MTHFR is an enzyme that helps the body use folate, also known as vitamin B9, in the way it is intended. Folate, not to be confused with its synthetic form folic acid, is a critical nutrient in the body because it assists with DNA synthesis and repair, encourages cell and tissue growth, supports normal fetal development in pregnant women, and even promotes sperm viability in men. The importance of folate to a healthy body and developing baby cannot be underestimated, so it makes sense that people lacking the MTHFR enzyme struggle from health problems.
MTHFR Gene Mutation
If you have the MTHFR gene mutation, your body cannot produce the enzyme needed to properly use folate. This means that all of the critical processes folate enables become stunted. This leads to some very serious problems, especially for pregnant women and their babies. The most common effects of the MTHFR gene mutation include inflammation, potential heart disease, chronic fatigue, difficult pregnancies, and neural tube defects in newborns.
Consider MTHFR Testing
One simple blood test is all you need to determine whether you have the gene mutation preventing your body from utilizing folate. Since parents can pass the mutation onto their children, and since women with MTHFR are at risk of pregnancy complications, this test can quickly provide the information needed to make health care changes that will improve or even a life.
Once your gene mutation is diagnosed, it’s much easier to identify the steps you should take to improve your health. Most people need to improve their overall gut health in order to support the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. This involves cutting out processed grains and refined sugars, eating more fermented foods and homemade broths, and eliminating environmental toxins from your surroundings.
Dr. Hermann at Hermann Aesthetics & Wellness is a MTHFR testing specialist and can guide you through the process of adjusting your health habits to accommodate your gene mutation. Call her today in Tampa at (813) 902-9559, or in St. Petersburg at (727) 278-3992 to learn more.