Can Kybella Give Me a More Defined Jawline?

Has your jawline lost its definition over the years? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many people experience a fuller, less defined jawline – also known as a double chin – in adulthood. 

In the past, there were limited treatment options to restore jawline definition, and many patients were confined to cosmetic surgery. Now, with Kybella, we can contour the neck and chin with a safe, simple injectable. 

Read on to learn more about how Kybella can give you a more defined jawline without the need for incisions, anesthesia, or downtime. 

How Does Kybella Work?

Kybella is an injectable that contains deoxycholic acid, a substance that’s naturally found in the body. It’s responsible for breaking down and absorbing fat. When it’s injected into the neck and chin area, it gradually eradicates existing fat while keeping cells from storing new fat. 

Most patients undergo two to six Kybella sessions within a six-month period. After the first few sessions, patients typically start to notice a slimmer, more defined jawline. 

What Are The Benefits of Kybella for Jawline Definition?

Kybella offers several benefits as an injectable for jawline definition, including:

Smooth, Contoured Jawline

By eliminating excess fat around the neck and chin, Kybella effectively creates a smoother, more contoured jawline. 

Permanent Results

Kybella permanently reduces the number of fat cells in the neck and chin area. So, once the excess fat in this area is eliminated with Kybella, it can’t come back! This makes Kybella a lasting solution for patients seeking improved jawline definition. 

No Scarring

As an injectable, Kybella doesn’t cause any scarring.

Little to No Downtime

Unlike cosmetic surgery, Kybella requires little to no downtime. So, it won’t interrupt your daily activities. However, you may experience some minor side effects, such as redness, swelling, and minor bruising at the injection site.

To learn more about Kybella for a defined jawline, book a consultation at Hermann Aesthetics & Wellness today!