How to Prepare for a Testosterone visit at Hermann Aesthetics & Wellness

Feeling tired? Experiencing a low sex drive? Noticing a loss of muscle mass? You may be experiencing symptoms from low testosterone levels. Testosterone is a hormone produced by the body that is responsible for stimulating sperm production, maintaining sex drive, and building muscle in males. Low testosterone is diagnosed when levels fall below 300ng/dl. The normal range is from 300-1000 ng/dl.

Your initial visit for low testosterone will include a prostate exam to assess the heath of your prostate and blood work to check baseline CBC (blood counts), PSA level (prostate level), and free/total testosterone. Testosterone therapy can affect the prostate so a yearly prostate exam is required while on treatment as well as periodic blood work to monitor PSA levels. Testosterone therapy can also affect the red blood cell counts (hematocrit) causing them to increase thus is monitored regularly. Estradiol (estrogen) levels may be checked after testosterone replacement and sometimes an aromatase inhibitor will be given to reduce levels if found to be elevated. Labs are monitored every 3 months. Options for testosterone therapy include clomid, which is an oral medication that helps kick start the body’s own natural production of testosterone. This is a good option for young males to prevent sterility and is often used for only 3 to 6 months. Other options of testosterone replacement include gel, bioidentical cream, patch and injection. The best option will be selected during your visit.

At Hermann Aesthetics & Wellness we offer hormone testing and therapy. Our offices are located in Tampa and St. Petersburg. Please call the office at (813) 902-9559 for more information or to schedule an appointment.