If you’re considering getting BOTOX to rejuvenate your appearance, know that the timing of your treatment is key. BOTOX injections last for about three to four months, after which you can come back to our office for a follow-up treatment. So, many patients receive BOTOX treatments throughout the year. That said, winter is considered the optimal time for BOTOX injections, and here’s why:
Look Your Best for Holiday Festivities
With winter comes the holiday season. For most people, the holidays include spending time with friends and family that you may not often see during the rest of the year. So, it’s no wonder that people want to look their best before traveling home for the holidays or simply attending the annual parties. BOTOX can smooth out facial lines and wrinkles before the holidays are in full swing, giving you a confidence boost throughout all of the festivities.
Convenient Scheduling
BOTOX injections are quick to administer and require little to no recovery time. This makes BOTOX an effective option for patients who want a convenient way to rejuvenate their appearance before the holidays. Plus, most people have fewer work obligations during the last month of the year, often making it easier to find time for aesthetic treatments. As an added bonus, spring is the most popular time for cosmetic treatments, so you’re less likely to have to wait for an appointment slot in the winter.
Less Time Outdoors
After you receive BOTOX injections, it’s best to limit your sun exposure. This is because sunlight can increase the circulation in your face, which may cause the BOTOX solution to diffuse faster. In the winter, activities are more likely to take place indoors, away from the sun. This can make it easier to steer clear of the sun and make the results from BOTOX treatment last as long as possible.
To schedule your BOTOX treatment, contact Hermann Aesthetics & Wellness today!