Will FaceTite Make My Face Look Slimmer?

Time and the natural aging process cause lost structure and definition in the skin. This may leave you yearning for a slimmer, more defined face in your later years. Previously, patients with this cosmetic goal were confined to plastic surgery procedures, like a facelift. Now, we’re thrilled to have access to the latest non-surgical aesthetic technology to tighten and re-contour the face, including FaceTite. 

In this article, we’ll discuss FaceTite’s ability to slim, tighten, and contour the face without the risks of conventional cosmetic surgery. 

How Does FaceTite Work?

FaceTite uses radiofrequency-assisted liposuction (RFAL) for three-dimensional tissue remodeling. The radiofrequency energy heats the external and internal skin tissues, providing fat coagulation and tissue remodeling while delivering 100% of the RF energy to the targeted area. Additionally, dual temperature features provide increased safety and control, preventing damage to the surrounding tissues. 

The RFAL process tightens the targeted skin, removes excess fat, and stimulates collagen production. 

The Benefits of FaceTite for Sagging Skin

People looking to achieve a slimmer facial appearance can enjoy the following benefits of the FaceTite procedure:

Dramatic Results Without Surgery

FaceTite’s revolutionary RFAL technology can dramatically improve the appearance of a double chin, jowls, sagging skin, and deep-set wrinkles without the risks of a conventional facelift. The results of the FaceTite procedure are comparable to that of a mini facelift. 

Long-Lasting Results

The results of FaceTite can last up to five years or even longer, especially if you maintain a consistent weight and healthy lifestyle. This makes it a long-lasting solution for sagging skin. 

No Stitches, Scarring, or Recovery Time

FaceTite’s minimally invasive technology doesn’t require stitches, scarring, or recovery time. It’s much safer and more convenient than plastic surgery, with each treatment area taking just 15 minutes to complete. 

For more information about FaceTite for a slimmer face, schedule an appointment at Hermann Aesthetics & Wellness today!