
Latisse: Your Secret Weapon to Amazing Lashes

Your eyelashes are defining elements of your face. They have the power to transform your appearance and even your confidence, but few women have eyelashes that are as long, thick, and strong as they desire. While mascara helps to temporarily enhance your eyelashes, its effect fades as soon as you wash your face or dive into a pool.

So what’s the answer to stronger, longer, healthier eyelashes? It’s Latisse. Latisse is a solution applied directly to the eyelashes like a mascara to stimulate growth over a span of four months. You can use it to achieve lashes that are more than 100 percent fuller than your natural lashes!

Why Do Lashes Become Thin Over Time? Continue reading “Latisse: Your Secret Weapon to Amazing Lashes”

NutraMetrix: Nutritional Supplements for Healthy Living

The way that you nourish your body has an enormous impact on your overall vitality. Nutrient deficiencies can cause severe symptoms like migraines, depression, weight gain, and many more. While eating healthy is a key component of maintaining the right nutrients in your body, it’s difficult for your diet alone to provide all of the vitamins and minerals that you need to thrive.

This is why supplementation has become such an important component of lasting health. Supplements are products that promote optimal wellness when combined with your regular food choices. NutraMetrix is one of the leading nutritional supplement brands because it provides science-based nutritional interventions that support your health and help you overcome the deficiency symptoms that are dragging you down. Continue reading “NutraMetrix: Nutritional Supplements for Healthy Living”

RF Skin Tightening: Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know

Has the skin on your arms, stomach, or neck become more like crepe paper than firm, tight skin? Are you frustrated by cellulite that just will not disappear, regardless of the time and energy you put into exercising and eating well? You are definitely not alone!

Signs of aging like loose and dimpled skin cannot be totally prevented, but thanks to treatments like RF skin tightening, they can be reversed! Here’s everything you’ve ever wanted to know about how to use RF skin tightening to enhance your own appearance and feel like the best version of yourself.

How Does Skin Tightening Work?

Accent is an innovative skin tightening technology that uses radiofrequency energy to create tighter, smoother skin. In a series of six treatments each set two weeks apart, the radiofrequency energy breaks up the collagen fibers under your skin and forces them to restructure in a firmer and tighter arrangement. Together, these changes lead to firmer skin, attractive contours, and a vibrant tone and texture. Continue reading “RF Skin Tightening: Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know”

Kybella – No Longer Just for the Chin

In 2015, Kybella made headlines as the very first FDA-approved injection to treat submental fat, otherwise known as a double chin. It quickly became known as “liposuction in a syringe” as countless men and women alike utilized Kybella to shed fat from their faces and embrace a younger, healthier appearance.

Kybella is now being used for purposes beyond the chin. Its main ingredient, deoxycholic acid, can be used to break down fat on the body as well. If you want to reduce certain stubborn spots of fat like bra bulges and armpit fat, Kybella could make a great alternative to more invasive treatments.

How Does Kybella Work? Continue reading “Kybella – No Longer Just for the Chin”

Dermal Fillers for Jawline Contouring and Enhancement

Is Your Face Falling with Age? Do You Have a Weak Jawline or a Receding Chin? Consider Dermal Filler for JAWLINE CONTOURING and ENHANCEMENT

Many people are unsatisfied with the way they look. Leading those people looking for an answer. Some feel the answer is Botox, others fillers, and some surgery. Most whom consider filler usually address their smile lines, cheeks, marionettes and lips. However, more people should be addressing their lower face jawline and chin. Jowls and marionette lines can sometimes be better addressed by contouring the jawline, such as smile lines can sometimes be better addressed by adding filler in the cheeks. Also, chin dimpling and/or a receding chin can cause the face to appear as if it is falling. Injectable dermal fillers are a great treatment to sculpt and shape the jawline to give you the younger look you desire. Continue reading “Dermal Fillers for Jawline Contouring and Enhancement”

Ditch the Varicose and Spider Veins with Sclerotherapy

It’s one of the ultimate ironies of life that the things you want most as you age – like clear, firm skin – only occur naturally when you are too young to appreciate them. You probably never appreciated your flawless, vein-free legs when you were 14, but now at the age of 44, you’d give anything to have them back again.

While time travel isn’t an option yet, sclerotherapy is great alternative way to resolve your unwanted varicose and spider veins. This treatment has been used for decades and will easily erase that web of blue and purple veins running across your legs.  

Why Do Spider Veins Develop? Continue reading “Ditch the Varicose and Spider Veins with Sclerotherapy”

Which Juvederm Product is Right for You?

There is still no such thing as a magic wand to erase your skin’s imperfections, but Juvederm is a very close second! The Juvederm family of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers offers multiple unique formulas to meet very specific cosmetic needs. Whether you want to pump your lips, restore volume to your cheeks, or make your wrinkles disappear, there is a Juvederm formula to meet your needs.

Juvederm Volbella XC

This advanced dermal filler is the perfect choice for women who want to add subtle plumpness and volume to their lips. It is FDA approved for lip augmentation and the correction of vertical lip lines. Thanks to special Vycross® technology, Volbella adds subtle, smooth volume to the lips while also softening and eliminating the appearance of vertical wrinkles above the lip. These natural looking results are clinically proven to last up to one year! Continue reading “Which Juvederm Product is Right for You?”

Are You Ready for Wedding Season? Your Guide to Dermal Fillers

Wedding season has arrived, and whether you are going to be a bride, a bridesmaid, or a guest, you want to look your very best. Dermal fillers provide the ultimate way to restore and revive your skin because they are quick, virtually painless, and can provide results immediately. So even if you failed to plan six months in advance, these dermal fillers will have everybody at the wedding in awe of your smooth, radiant skin.

Contour Your Cheeks

Juvederm Voluma is an FDA-approved dermal filler proven to add volume under your skin to correct age-related volume loss in the cheeks.  Smooth hyaluronic gel is injected strategically into the apex, apple, and hollow of your cheeks. The injections work immediately to boost your skin with the volume it was previously lacking. Within minutes, your cheeks become fuller and you can enjoy a younger and more vibrant appearance. These incredible results can last up to two entire years before a new injection is needed, so you will look your best for the winter wedding season, too! Continue reading “Are You Ready for Wedding Season? Your Guide to Dermal Fillers”

Preventing and Fighting the Visible Signs of Aging with SkinMedica and Cosmelan

Not all skincare products are created equally. When you purchase your cleanser, toner, and other skincare items from common brands found at the drug store, you are robbing your skin of the powerful ingredients and formulas it needs to prevent and fight visible signs of aging. Rather than wasting your money on those products, try SkinMedica and Cosmelan to achieve your skincare goals.

The SkinMedica Rejuvenize Peel

SkinMedica products are developed to combat the collagen loss that occurs with age and causes lax skin, wrinkles, and fine lines. All SkinMedica products are scientifically formulated and clinically tested to rejuvenate your skin and restore your skin’s youthful appearance. The potent ingredients include growth factors, antioxidants, retinoids, vitamins, soluble collagen, matrix proteins, and others that are proven to deliver real results. Continue reading “Preventing and Fighting the Visible Signs of Aging with SkinMedica and Cosmelan”

Off Label use of Kybella for Fat Destruction in Other Body Areas Besides the Chin

When Kybella was launched in the United States for fat destruction in the submental fat of the chin, the hype around it was immense. KYBELLA ® (deoxycholic acid) injection is indicated for improvement in the appearance of moderate to severe convexity or fullness associated with submental fat in adults. While there are no approved uses of Kybella in other areas, there are plenty of off-label uses that are gaining some attention from injectors and their patients.

We know that Kybella destroys fat safely by killing the fat cells and allowing the body to absorb them, and the fat goes away forever. It is a non-surgical, minimally-invasive way to get rid of fat so why not try it in other body areas. Continue reading “Off Label use of Kybella for Fat Destruction in Other Body Areas Besides the Chin”