
Be Prepared to Ditch the Mask: The Best Options to Treat Lines Around the Mouth

With COVID vaccines being distributed in other countries and the FDA considering one for the U.S., everyone is getting excited about the end of the pandemic. People are starting to make plans of who they want to see first and where they want to go. Everyone is more than ready to get back to truly living life. If you are one of those people, be ready to ditch your mask with these beauty treatments you might be putting off.

Juvederm Products

Juvederm offers a number of great dermal fillers perfect for various types and severities of lines and wrinkles. However, these three products are best for treating that part of your face currently being hidden. You might decide on more than one filler or target area, such as: Continue reading “Be Prepared to Ditch the Mask: The Best Options to Treat Lines Around the Mouth”

Alternative Target Areas Benefited by PDO Threads

If you’ve heard of the “thread lift,” you know that PDO threads can be used to tighten the skin around the face and neckline without surgery. But did you know that you can get a “lift” of other areas of your body as well? Here are some alternative target areas to consider.


The skin on the elbows can often become stretched, sagging, and wrinkled. A PDO thread lift, combined with skin softening and rejuvenating treatments, will give your elbows a complete makeover so that they look as young as your face portrays. Continue reading “Alternative Target Areas Benefited by PDO Threads”

How Accutite Can Enhance Your Appearance Above the Mask

Even though some locales have relaxed the rules a bit as the curve flattened, the surge in cases that was originally predicted for between October and December have started to arrive across the nation. It is only a matter of time before everyone is once again encouraged to stay at home as much as possible.

But how does this relate to the beauty treatments that we offer? It only makes sense to treat the areas of your face that are the most visible. Even though you don’t want to ignore your other anti-aging treatments and skincare anti-aging measures, you can back off of these in favor of other more visible areas. Continue reading “How Accutite Can Enhance Your Appearance Above the Mask”

How You Can Get Rid of Unwanted Fat with No Recovery or Downtime

mesotherapyDo you have stubborn fat that is resistant to diet and exercise? Many people find that they have trouble areas that just won’t go down or tone no matter what you do. If you’ve been struggling to meet your own weight loss and size goals, it can be very frustrating to never see improvement in that area.

Tummy tucks used to be all the rage, but the fact is that they come with some big downsides, including a long and difficult recovery. When women started demanding better solutions, liposuction came onto the scene. Even though liposuction has improved over the years and there are now some safer adaptations of the procedure, it still has a recovery period and can be painful. Continue reading “How You Can Get Rid of Unwanted Fat with No Recovery or Downtime”

How Meal Planning and Portion Control Prepare You for Holiday Feasts

Everyone knows that the holidays are the worst time to go on a diet. But if you’ve already been working on your weight loss goals, there are some things you can do to keep your diet from jumping off the rails. With some careful forethought, planning, and preparation, you can stick to your diet (for the most part). Here’s how.

Meal planning

Don’t feel like you have to eat everything that your guests or family members eat. In fact, your guests may have their own dietary restrictions. Plan ahead to make sure that you have meals for everyone regardless of diet, including yourself. If you eat several small meals per day, plan and prep those meals before your guests ever arrive. After feeding the family, you can grab one of your meals and go. Continue reading “How Meal Planning and Portion Control Prepare You for Holiday Feasts”

Refine Your Neckline with Kybella and PDO Threads

A senior woman touching her neckThis time of year is perfect for layering styles, and many women have a lot of fun with different low-cut tops layered with gauzy scarves and sweaters. These styles allow you to shed layers as the weather changes throughout the day, but they can also make your neckline more visible than normal.

The neckline can be a difficult area to correct once the signs of aging start to set in. The neckline can become wrinkled or lose elasticity just like the skin on your face. If you have a chin waddle, double chin, or sagging jowls, these can all be corrected with this combined treatment. Continue reading “Refine Your Neckline with Kybella and PDO Threads”

The Best Benefits of Belotero

Pretty woman against a grey background with copyspace.For many years women have been frustrated with their cosmetic treatment options for moderate to severe lines and wrinkles. Most dermal fillers are not rated to fill those deeper creases in the skin. While Botox can make some progress, it takes several treatments and inhibits facial expressions. Belotero is the first dermal filler that is designed specifically for these deeper lines and wrinkles. Here are the best benefits of this dermal filler.

No recovery or downtime

Like other dermal fillers, Belotero Balance offers no recovery or downtime. You may have some redness and swelling from the injection site. If so, these are temporary and usually resolve within a day or two. You might want to take the rest of the day off after your treatment if you’re worried about the appearance of the swelling or redness. Continue reading “The Best Benefits of Belotero”

Botox for Eyebrows? Here’s What You Need to Know About This Easy Solution to Droopy Eyes

botoxEveryone is talking about cosmetic treatments for “above the mask,” but have you seen the simplest solution? Forget the risks of a surgical brow lift, or the invasiveness of PDO threads and similar skin tightening procedures. You can solve those droopy eyes and refresh your appearance above the mask with a simple Botox treatment.

Botox isn’t just for frown lines. 

Botox is a great cosmetic treatment for many target areas, including the brows. With a comprehensive Botox treatment, you can enjoy the effects of a brow lift with immediate results and no downtime. Botox is a simple, safe, and effective treatment that relaxes the muscles beneath the skin to smooth out lines and wrinkles. Continue reading “Botox for Eyebrows? Here’s What You Need to Know About This Easy Solution to Droopy Eyes”

4 Things You Didn’t Know About That Could Bring Menopause Early

Mature woman experiencing hot flush from menopauseAre you experiencing symptoms of menopause, but are under the age of 40? If so, you might not be going crazy. It could be that you are experiencing premature menopause. Menopause can come on earlier than 40 for many reasons. Here are a few things that might surprise you.

Premature ovarian failure

This medical cause of early menopause involves failure of the ovaries to function. Premature ovarian failure and premature menopause can be related and often come hand in hand, but they are actually two separate issues. Menopause is when your menstrual cycles cease completely. On the other hand, ovarian failure is when the ovaries fail to release eggs. This can lead to infertility, but you might still have occasional periods, as with perimenopause. Continue reading “4 Things You Didn’t Know About That Could Bring Menopause Early”

Nonsurgical Remodeling of Your Jawline with PDO Threads

Profile of a beauty woman face skin and hand manicureIf your jawline is weak, sagging, or more pronounced than you’d like, you might frequently find yourself considering cosmetic surgery. For most people, such thoughts are fleeting. You don’t really want to spend that much on just your appearance, right? Well, there is another way to remodel and define your jawline that is completely nonsurgical but has the same effects as a face lift.

Causes of a Poorly Defined Jawline

There are several reasons you might want to consider cosmetic treatment for your jawline. A poorly defined jaw will give the appearance of the chin angling and virtually disappearing into the neck without a definite break at the jawline. This can be caused by:

  • Significant weight loss or yo-yoing weight gains
  • Illness that steals volume from the face and jowls
  • Normal aging that can relax the skin and reduce volume in the face, chin, and jowls
  • Genetic disposition, which has a lot to do with how much other factors contribute to a poorly defined jawline

Continue reading “Nonsurgical Remodeling of Your Jawline with PDO Threads”