Doctor Anne Hermann’s Office one of the first to provide St Petersburg BELOTERO BALANCE® for fine lines!

We were one of the first offices to launch BELOTERO BALANCE®, a new hyaluronic acid dermal filler, because of our expertise and experience.  It is very similar to JUVÉDERM® and Restylane® as they all have the same active ingredient, hyaluronic acid.  The difference is that BELOTERO BALANCE® can be injected much closer to the surface of the skin. *Individual results may vary

JUVÉDERM® and Restylane® cannot be injected as close to the surface of the skin as BELOTERO BALANCE® because they leave discoloration if they are injected too superficially.  Until BELOTERO BALANCE® was available, we often would not inject ‘smoker’s lines’ around the mouth or fine lines around the eyes.  Now, a St Petersburg BELOTERO BALANCE® treatment allows us to erase those fine lines and wrinkles that we were not able to be injected in the past with the older *Individual results may varyfillers.

*Individual results may vary
*Individual results may vary
*Individual results may vary


Patients are very happy with BELOTERO BALANCE® for lip lines or “smoker’s lines”, crow’s feet lines and other fine lines.  *Individual results may vary To watch a video of how dermal filler injections are performed, click this link:

The medical offices of Dr. Anne Hermann are conveniently located in St Petersburg, Florida.  To schedule a free consultation with Dr. Hermann to discuss a St Petersburg BELOTERO BALANCE® treatment, call 813-278-3992.