There’s nothing quite as relaxing as a pampering session, and it’s even better when that pampering session helps rejuvenate your skin so you emerge looking and feeling a few years younger. A facial is one such way to achieve this type of skin care. From exfoliation and steaming to pore cleansing and extractions, you’ll be blown away by how dramatically a tranquil facial can improve your skin’s health and radiance. The following three types of facials in particular are the ones you can’t miss.
Accent Facial Treatment
The Accent facial treatment serves a number of unique purposes that other facials do not. In addition to cleansing and rejuvenating the skin, the Accent treatment actually helps to tighten and contour the skin using dual-layer radio frequency technology.
Vitamin C Facial
Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that isn’t just vital for your body’s health, but for your skin’s as well. When your skin receives enough vitamin C it is able to remain brighter, smoother, and more youthful. Vitamin C can even help minimize the impact of the sun’s harmful UV rays. A vitamin C facial harnesses the full power of this nutrient to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, restore the skin’s natural vibrancy, and even stimulate collagen synthesis for long-lasting results.
Organic Tropical Facial
You know it’s important to eat enough fruits each day to keep your body thriving, but don’t forget about your skin. An organic tropical facial blends the most important organic fruits and uses them to gently cleanse your pores and rejuvenate your skin. The same properties that make fruit so valuable to your health also help to hydrate and sooth your skin. After an organic tropical facial, you can expect your skin to be practically shining and baby soft. With careful home care, these results will last for weeks and months to come.