Skin Transformation Benefits with OBAGI®

Obagi® skincare products are among the best available for damaged skin, aging skin, and acne. Only available through a licensed doctor like Dr. Hermann at Hermann Aesthetics & Wellness, Obagi® products can produce a real, noticeable change in the health of your skin. 

The skincare systems available from Obagi® are tailored to specific skin types. Whether you have dry, normal, or oily skin, there are products available from Obagi® to suit your needs. These products can transform your skin according to your need and goals, providing benefits including: Continue reading “Skin Transformation Benefits with OBAGI®”

Freshen and Brighten Up Your Skin with a Peel

Skin with a PeelWhen you look in the mirror, does your skin appear tired, dull, or inflamed? If so, a chemical peel is a quick and effective treatment to boost the health of your skin. There are many different kinds of chemical peels for varying skin types, making it possible for you to find the perfect peel to achieve bright, refreshed skin. By promoting the body to shed the outermost layer of the skin and replace it with new and healthy skin cells, chemical peels can provide a significant improvement to the look and feel of the skin. 

Types of Peels

There are several types of chemical peels available to give you healthier, more radiant skin. At Hermann Aesthetics & Wellness, we offer the following chemical peels that can help you achieve your cosmetic goals: Continue reading “Freshen and Brighten Up Your Skin with a Peel”

Achieve a More Youthful Appearance with FaceTite

Achieve a More YouthfulOftentimes, the lower face and neck are among the first areas to show signs of aging. Skin laxity and excess fat beneath the chin can contribute to an aging appearance, often leading to diminished confidence. 

If you’re struggling with signs of aging in the lower face and neck, FaceTite is a treatment option to consider. This non-surgical treatment utilizes radiofrequency energy to tighten loose skin and reduce unwanted volume for a rejuvenated look. 

FaceTite For Skin Tightening and Volume Reduction 

FaceTite is a radiofrequency device that is inserted under the skin with a very small needle. The device heats the skin and underlying fat in a safe and controlled manner, causing the skin to tighten while simultaneously damaging the excess fat cells. The targeted cells are then absorbed by the body, which results in a visible reduction in the volume of the treatment area; this makes FaceTite an excellent option for patients looking to eliminate a double chin or jowls.  Continue reading “Achieve a More Youthful Appearance with FaceTite”

Achieve Cellulite-Free Legs with QWO Treatment

Legs with QWO TreatmentIf you’ve noticed dimpled skin on your legs and buttocks, that means you are experiencing cellulite. This is a very common aesthetic concern that most often impacts women. Despite diet and exercise efforts, countless women struggle with cellulite and feel less confident as a result. Thankfully with the emergence of QWO, these women can finally achieve cellulite-free legs and buttocks. 

Why Does Cellulite Form?

The body stores fat in between the skin and muscle tissue. Fibrous tissue called septae connects the skin and muscle tissue together, and when fat deposits form, the septae continue to keep the skin and muscle attached. This is what creates the dimpled appearance of the skin known as cellulite. 

While medical conditions such as obesity and lymphedema can cause cellulite, it often forms without a known medical cause. This is especially true for women. In past years, treatment options for cellulite were often ineffective, expensive, and the results didn’t last for longer than three months. Now with the revolutionary QWO treatment, women can achieve lasting improvement to cellulite without invasive treatment.  Continue reading “Achieve Cellulite-Free Legs with QWO Treatment”

Can an IPL Photofacial Improve Redness From Rosacea?

Redness From RosaceaRosacea is a skin condition that impacts over 14 million people in the United States. This prevalent skin condition leads to redness, visible blood vessels, and small red bumps in some people. 

Dealing with rosacea can be frustrating and negatively impact your self-image. Luckily, aesthetic treatments like the IPL photofacial can help relieve redness, helping people with rosacea achieve clear, beautiful skin. 

Understanding Rosacea

Rosacea is the most common among middle-aged women with a light skin tone. However, it can affect anyone at any age. While there isn’t a cure for rosacea, treatments like the IPL photofacial can be used to manage it.  Continue reading “Can an IPL Photofacial Improve Redness From Rosacea?”

Rejuvenate Your Skin with Morpheus8

Rejuvenate Your SkinAging is inevitable, and we will all have to manage its effects in life. Skin aging, in particular, can lead people to feel frustrated about how they look. Over time, the skin loses elasticity and volume, leading to laxity, fine lines, and wrinkles. 

With Morpheus8, aging skin doesn’t have to be an inevitability. This skin rejuvenation procedure provides powerful benefits for aging skin, and it doesn’t involve surgery! So, if you’re seeking a safe, effective way to regain your skin’s youthful glow, Morpheus8 is an excellent option to consider. 

Understanding Morpheus8

Morpheus8 is an innovative, minimally invasive treatment that couples microneedling with fractionated radiofrequency energy. Officially referred to as Morpheus Fractionated RF, this treatment addresses a broad array of cosmetic concerns of the face and neck, including: Continue reading “Rejuvenate Your Skin with Morpheus8”

How Photodamage Ages the Skin

Before / AfterWe all know that spending too much time in the sun without skin protection can lead to sunburn, but did you know that sun damage to the skin can lead to premature skin aging? UV ray exposure from the sun is, in fact, the cause of most of the visible skin changes that occur with age. 

Understanding Photo Damage

Photodamage is one of the terms used for the premature aging of the skin due to sun exposure. While sunburn can be considered a short-term effect of sun exposure, photodamage is a long-term effect of the sun’s UV rays. Continue reading “How Photodamage Ages the Skin”

Benefits of Rejuvenize Peels

Facial peels are a great way to refresh your complexion and reduce skin imperfections. With many different facial peels available, you can find a formulation that matches your skin type and cosmetic goals.

For many patients struggling with skin concerns like signs of aging, sun damage, and acne, the Rejuvenize peel from SkinMedica provides excellent results. Let’s learn more about the Rejuvenize peel and the benefits that it can offer to the look and feel of your skin.  Continue reading “Benefits of Rejuvenize Peels”

Finding the Right Skincare Products for You

Beautiful young female portrait isolated on white perfect skinHave you bought product after product only to be disappointed in the results? A lot of skincare product advertisements are designed to get you to buy, and they don’t always offer the information about who will benefit from their products. 

The bottom line is that the best skincare products aren’t the same for everyone. If you want to make sure that you are getting the right products for you, you might need some assistance. There are a lot of factors in choosing the best skincare regimen, so it is best to have a trained aesthetician assist you. Here are some of the things that need to be considered.

Is your skin oily or dry?

Your scalp produces an oily substance called sebum. This is natural and necessary for scalp health. But when these natural oils are produced at abnormal levels, it can cause a severe reaction in the skin. You could get very oily skin, which can also lead to clogged pores.  Continue reading “Finding the Right Skincare Products for You”

Follow Up Your Beauty Treatment with a Classic Pampering Facial

Have you been looking forward to getting your beauty treatment? Whether you’re wanting an injectable like Juvederm or Botox or a deeper treatment like a chemical peel or microneedling, we have you covered. But while you’re here, you should go ahead and pamper yourself with a classic facial.

Facials Soothe the Skin

Although most of our beauty treatments are pain free, you can experience some irritation with certain treatments. Following up with a facial before you head back into the world soothes the skin and makes you feel refreshed and ready to face the rest of the day. Continue reading “Follow Up Your Beauty Treatment with a Classic Pampering Facial”