How to Take Care of Your Skin After Microneedling

With the ability to brighten, smooth, and rejuvenate skin, microneedling is one of today’s leading cosmetic treatments. While it requires little to no downtime, it’s still important to properly care for your skin after microneedling to prevent redness and irritation. Plus, with the right aftercare, you can maximize the benefits of your microneedling session. 

Here are our top tips for caring for your skin after a microneedling session:


After microneedling, your skin will be more susceptible to sun damage. So, religiously apply SPF 30 or higher, even if you spend the day indoors (Tampa’s bright UV rays can reach you through the windows!). Additionally, try to limit your time outdoors in the first few weeks after your treatment to prevent dryness. 

Don’t Skip the Moisturizer.

Microneedling speeds up skin cell regeneration, so you may find that old skin flakes away in the days and weeks following your treatment session. To keep your skin barrier strong, continue to apply a rich moisturizer after microneedling. Never leave your skin without hydration, and talk to your Tampa aesthetic physician if you’re not sure which moisturizer is right for you. 

Don’t Scratch or Pick!

Some people experience itchiness after microneedling. This is simply a sign that your skin is shedding dead cells. But, resist the urge to scratch and pick! Doing so can trigger further irritation and sabotage the skin’s healing process – or even derail the radiant results of your microneedling session. 

Pause Potentially-Drying Treatments. 

We love retinol as much as the next person, but it can cause redness, dryness, and irritation if it’s used too soon after microneedling. So, put your retinol, exfoliants, and other potentially-drying skincare products on the back burner until you get the OK from your provider. 

The experienced team at Hermann Aesthetics & Wellness in Tampa and St. Petersburg will provide detailed, personalized aftercare instructions for your microneedling session. Contact us today to book your appointment!