In 2015, Kybella made headlines as the very first FDA-approved injection to treat submental fat, otherwise known as a double chin. It quickly became known as “liposuction in a syringe” as countless men and women alike utilized Kybella to shed fat from their faces and embrace a younger, healthier appearance.
Kybella is now being used for purposes beyond the chin. Its main ingredient, deoxycholic acid, can be used to break down fat on the body as well. If you want to reduce certain stubborn spots of fat like bra bulges and armpit fat, Kybella could make a great alternative to more invasive treatments.
How Does Kybella Work?
Kybella eliminates your unwanted stores of fat through a series of injections. The deoxycholic acid in Kybella prevents cells from storing and accumulating additional fat while also permanently destroying existing fat. As long as Kybella treatments are supported by regular exercise and healthy eating, your unwanted fat will never return!
Where Else Can Kybella Contour the Body?
The double chin is the most common place for Kybella to be applied, but it can also be used to bust fat on the body as well:
- Armpit pooches
- Love handles
- Lower buttock fat folds
- Back and bra fat
The entire Kybella treatment process is quick and simple. In just 30 minutes, your injection will be complete and the deoxycholic acid will begin working to break down fat and force it out of its resting place. You will begin noticing significant results over the next few months.
Kybella in Tampa, Florida
Many doctors and medical spas offer Kybella treatments, but only a select few have the training, experience, and keen eye needed to use Kybella along other places of the body. At Hermann Aesthetics & Wellness in Tampa, Florida, Dr. Anne Hermann is master injector with the talent needed to contour and slim your body beautifully with the use of Kybella injections.
Call (813) 902-9559 to learn more about Kybella and schedule your appointment at Hermann Aesthetics & Wellness today.