How Can Chia Seeds Improve My Health?

chia seeds and wordChia seed has been used as a nutritious dietary staple in Mexico and Central America since ancient times.  Chia seed oil contains 60% alpha-linoleic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fatty acid that promotes cardiovascular health.  It is also an excellent source of iron and fiber.

Recent research has also studied how chia seeds may be utilized as a weight-modifying food.  Patients within the studies who consumed foods containing chia seeds rated their satiety (fullness) levels higher and had reductions in both body weight and waist circumference.  Also of note, participants receiving chia seed products in the studies had decreases in their serum triglycerides (cholesterol) and glucose (blood sugar) levels.

Chia seeds are available in a variety of forms including whole seeds, oil, chia meal, and “chia snacks”.  There is no standardized recommended dose, but a typical serving of seeds (whole or ground) is a quarter-cup.

Dr. Anne Hermann, a holistic internal medicine physician, maintains offices in Tampa and Saint Petersburg Beach, Florida.  Dr. Hermann is also board- certified in nutrition and offers a number of weight loss and dietary counseling services to her patients.  For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact the office at (813) 902-9559.


Adult Hypertension

High Blood PressureNew guidelines recently released from the Joint National Committee proposed less restrictive BP targets for certain individuals.  These include adults aged 60 years or older, as well as individuals with diabetes and chronic kidney disease.

The new 2014 guidelines have increased the blood pressure treatment goal from less than 140/90 to 150/90 for individuals aged 60 and older.  For adults with chronic kidney disease and diabetes, the new blood pressure guidelines are 140/90.  This is an increase from the previously recommended blood pressure guideline of 130/80.

Blood pressure is the force of blood against your artery wall as it circulates through your body.  Hypertension (high blood pressure) typically has no warning signs or symptoms until the disease is advanced.  It is estimated that 67 million American adults have high blood pressure – 1 in every 3 adults.  Having hypertension greatly increases the risk of heart disease and stroke, which are the first and third leading causes of death in the United States.

It is important to keep your blood pressure within the target range for optimal health, and to limit the risk of serious health complications.  Measures you can take to maintain your blood pressure include keeping a healthy weight, limiting sodium (salt) intake, regular exercise, avoiding tobacco use and limiting alcohol consumption.

Dr. Anne Hermann is double board certified in internal medicine and as a physician nutrition specialist.  Offices are maintained in Tampa and Saint Petersburg Beach, Florida.  Please contact the office at (813) 902-9559 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Is The Secret To Weight Loss In Your Gut?

Continued, regular intake of fried, fatty and refined foods can cause chronic systemic inflammation within the body.  Studies are currently under way to determine if this inflammation can also be linked to disruption in the delicate balance of our gut function – eventually leading to diabetes, weight gain and heart disease.  Inflammatory markers in the blood were measured as elevated up to five hours after consuming a meal high in sugar and fat in one study.   This new research has the potential to drastically change how obesity and related health conditions are approached and treated.

To decrease systemic inflammation:

  • Reduce your consumption of processed, fatty and refined foods.
  • Eat plenty of fiber rich foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.  These foods assist the gut in decreasing inflammation.
  • If you do eat “junk food”, accompany it with fiber and vitamin rich whole foods (fruits and vegetables).  Add color to your diet!

Dr. Anne Hermann, a holistic internal medicine physician, maintains offices in Tampa and Saint Petersburg Beach, Florida.  Dr. Hermann is also board certified in nutrition.  Please contact the office at (813) 902-9559 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

This post was written by Anne Hermann. Follow Anne Hermann on Google, Facebook, Twitter & Linkedin.

What Is Insulin Resistance?

Insulin resistance is a condition in which the body produces insulin, but does not use it effectively. Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas; it plays a major role in metabolism. Insulin helps cells throughout the body absorb glucose and use it for energy. Many individuals who have insulin resistance do not know until they develop type 2 diabetes. It is believed that the major contributors to insulin resistance are excess weight and physical inactivity. Sleep apnea, family history of diabetes, being of a certain ethnicity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, having polycystic ovarian syndrome, being diagnosed with gestational diabetes, and tobacco use have also been found to increase the risk of developing insulin resistance.

To determine if you have insulin resistance, your physician will order blood work. If you are found to be insulin resistant, your physician will recommend lifestyle changes including losing 5 to 7 percent body weight. Weight loss for most people can be achieved through increased exercise and decreased caloric intake. Physical activity and weight loss help the body utilize insulin more efficiently.

Dr. Anne Hermann, a holistic internal medicine physician, offers a variety of weight loss programs to her patients. Dr. Hermann is also board certified in nutrition. Dr. Hermann maintains offices in Tampa and St. Petersburg Beach, Florida. Please contact the office at (813) 902-9559 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

This post was written by Anne Hermann. Follow Anne Hermann on Google, Facebook, Twitter & Linkedin.