
Achieve Cellulite-Free Legs with QWO Treatment

Legs with QWO TreatmentIf you’ve noticed dimpled skin on your legs and buttocks, that means you are experiencing cellulite. This is a very common aesthetic concern that most often impacts women. Despite diet and exercise efforts, countless women struggle with cellulite and feel less confident as a result. Thankfully with the emergence of QWO, these women can finally achieve cellulite-free legs and buttocks. 

Why Does Cellulite Form?

The body stores fat in between the skin and muscle tissue. Fibrous tissue called septae connects the skin and muscle tissue together, and when fat deposits form, the septae continue to keep the skin and muscle attached. This is what creates the dimpled appearance of the skin known as cellulite. 

While medical conditions such as obesity and lymphedema can cause cellulite, it often forms without a known medical cause. This is especially true for women. In past years, treatment options for cellulite were often ineffective, expensive, and the results didn’t last for longer than three months. Now with the revolutionary QWO treatment, women can achieve lasting improvement to cellulite without invasive treatment.  Continue reading “Achieve Cellulite-Free Legs with QWO Treatment”

What Areas Can Be Treated with Kybella?

Treated with KybellaKybella is a popular injectable treatment for submental fullness, which is more commonly referred to as a double chin. Since the fat cells in this area are often unresponsive to diet and exercise, Kybella can make a big difference for women seeking a more elegant neckline. 

While Kybella is currently only approved by the FDA to target fat cells beneath the skin, it may be effective in other areas of the body. Here, we’ll discuss how Kybella can treat stubborn fat and help patients achieve a slimmer look. 

How Does Kybella Work?

The main ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is naturally occurring in the body and functions by breaking down and absorbing fat. When deoxycholic acid is injected directly into areas of excess fat in Kybella treatment, it eliminates the existing fat cells while preventing the future storage and accumulation of fat. So, it works as a permanent solution to submental fat. Patients usually receive two to six Kybella treatments within six months for the best results.  Continue reading “What Areas Can Be Treated with Kybella?”

Benefits of QWO Treatment

Benefits of QWO TreatmentDo you wish that you could say goodbye to cellulite once and for all? If so, we have the perfect treatment for you. QWO is an injectable treatment for cellulite reduction, and it’s used to reduce the appearance of cellulite in the buttocks and thighs. Safe, non-surgical, and effective, QWO is gaining popularity among women as a quick cellulite solution. 

What is QWO?

Cellulite is often thought of simply as fat. But, that isn’t the case! Cellulite is linked to shifts in the thickness of the skin, as well as the connective tissue and fat cells under the skin. A key trigger of cellulite is the collagen bands that connect the skin to muscle in between pockets of fat. The collagen bands drag the skin downward, causing the fat pockets to appear on the skin as dimples. Continue reading “Benefits of QWO Treatment”

Can an IPL Photofacial Improve Redness From Rosacea?

Redness From RosaceaRosacea is a skin condition that impacts over 14 million people in the United States. This prevalent skin condition leads to redness, visible blood vessels, and small red bumps in some people. 

Dealing with rosacea can be frustrating and negatively impact your self-image. Luckily, aesthetic treatments like the IPL photofacial can help relieve redness, helping people with rosacea achieve clear, beautiful skin. 

Understanding Rosacea

Rosacea is the most common among middle-aged women with a light skin tone. However, it can affect anyone at any age. While there isn’t a cure for rosacea, treatments like the IPL photofacial can be used to manage it.  Continue reading “Can an IPL Photofacial Improve Redness From Rosacea?”

Rejuvenate Your Skin with Morpheus8

Rejuvenate Your SkinAging is inevitable, and we will all have to manage its effects in life. Skin aging, in particular, can lead people to feel frustrated about how they look. Over time, the skin loses elasticity and volume, leading to laxity, fine lines, and wrinkles. 

With Morpheus8, aging skin doesn’t have to be an inevitability. This skin rejuvenation procedure provides powerful benefits for aging skin, and it doesn’t involve surgery! So, if you’re seeking a safe, effective way to regain your skin’s youthful glow, Morpheus8 is an excellent option to consider. 

Understanding Morpheus8

Morpheus8 is an innovative, minimally invasive treatment that couples microneedling with fractionated radiofrequency energy. Officially referred to as Morpheus Fractionated RF, this treatment addresses a broad array of cosmetic concerns of the face and neck, including: Continue reading “Rejuvenate Your Skin with Morpheus8”

Reverse Facial Aging with Chemical Peels

Facial aging TampaSigns of skin aging, including fine lines, discoloration, and scarring, can benefit from chemical peels. Recommended by Dr. Anne Hermann, MD, to boost the results of anti-aging treatments, chemical peels can refresh your complexion to give you a youthful glow. 

How Chemical Peels Work For Facial Aging

While various chemical peels are available to rejuvenate the skin, most of them work in the same way. Peels prompt your body to shed the outermost layer of skin. This stimulates the development of new skin to take its place. As the old skin cells are replaced with healthy skin cells, signs of aging are diminished, giving the skin a brighter, clearer, and smoother appearance. 

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Banish Saggy Jowls with Kybella

Saggy Jowls TampaAre you struggling with saggy jowls? Jowls typically appear as a result of lost skin elasticity due to age. The skin naturally produces less collagen and elastin with age, leading to sagging and lost definition. That said, factors including genetics, sun exposure, weight changes, and making certain facial expressions can also contribute to the development of jowls and submental fullness or excess fat under the chin. 

When it comes to eliminating saggy jowls, there are multiple treatment options available to you. That said, Kybella is the gold standard for non-surgical jowl treatments. With this advanced dermal filler, we can tighten and smooth out the skin on the jaw and neck, leading to a slimmer, more defined jawline. 


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Most Popular Areas of the Body for CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting treatment TampaCoolSculpting is a fat reduction treatment that uses accurate cool laser technology. The treatment freezes fat cells in the treatment area, causing them to die and be naturally removed by the body. 

One of the key benefits of CoolSculpting is that it can be used to target excess fat on many different areas of the body. While there’s a wide range of possible treatment areas with CoolSculpting, some areas are more popular than others. 

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What is a PDO Jaw Contouring?

pdo jaw tampaDuring the aging process, many people experience skin laxity, with which the skin loosens and sags. Sagging skin on the jaw, in particular, is a common complaint. When the skin around the jaw sags, it diminishes the definition of the jawline and gives the face an older, more tired appearance.

PDO jaw contouring is a minimally invasive cosmetic treatment that can rejuvenate the appearance of the jaw. Using PDO threads, we’re able to tighten and define the skin around the jaw in patients at Hermann Aesthetics & Wellness. 

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How Can Microdermabrasion Improve Your Skin?

Have you heard of microdermabrasion? This aesthetic treatment was invented in the mid-80s and can make significant improvements to your skin. Microdermabrasion is a practical and minimally invasive treatment option for many patients seeking a brighter, smoother complexion.

How Does Microdermabrasion Work?

During microdermabrasion, the diamond tip wand is used to remove the topmost layer of the skin. It gently exfoliates the skin with natural diamond chips, simultaneously vacuuming away the dead skin cells. This process is sterile and controlled to protect your skin.  Continue reading “How Can Microdermabrasion Improve Your Skin?”